Season 2
12 EPISODES • 2013
Season 2 of Borgia was released on March 18 and consists of 12 episodes.

Season 1


1: The Time of Sweet Desires
Mar 18, 2013
Cesare covets the hand of Carlotta d'Aragona and the Naples throne. Rodrigo et Lucrezia, for their part, wold like to turn the page on the death of Juan Borgia.
2: Ash Wednesday
Mar 18, 2013
Cesare Borgia celebrates Mass on Ash Wednesday for the King of Naples and his court. According to the liturgical texts, Cesare made ​​a sign of the cross on the forehead of each participant with ash, in these words: "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." But when comes the turn of King Federico d'Aragona, Cesare draws a "C" on his forehead. Thus causing the sovereign Cesare stands in contradiction with the spirit of contrition associated with this holiday.
3: Palm Sunday
Mar 25, 2013
Sent by Pope Alexander VI, Cesare and Alessandro are entering in Florence. Unlike Jesus, they are not greeted by hosannas and palm leaves, but by the looks of reproach and disapproving murmurs. Under the control of Savonarola, Florence Florence libertine became austere. Later, Cesare attends Mass on Palm Sunday, celebrated by Savonarola. During the ceremony, Nicolas Machiavelli discusses Cesare hoping to join the clandestine opposition to Savonarola. Ironically, Machiavelli tends to Cesare a sling, made with palm leaves tied in a bow shape.
4: Pax Vobiscum
Mar 25, 2013
Savonarola was sentenced to death by hanging by the Pope Alexander VI after admitting acts of heresy under torture. He uses his last breath to curse Cesare Borgia and the whole family, in the name of God. Later, Cesare attend Midnight Mass and Easter lights the traditional fireworks fireworks Florentine. Alessandro, his lifelong friend, wish him "peace of God", but the peace of God is more interested Cesare.
5: Ascension
Apr 1, 2013
In the vineyards of the Palazzo dei Santi Apostoli, Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere selects grapes for the blessing of first fruits. He is assisted by Cardinal Raffaele Riario Sansoni, more concerned with political cases. Released from his vows of Cardinal Cesare is of golden armor that belonged to his late brother Juan. Thus dressed, he poses as a king on the papal throne, having finally materialized all its own idea of "ascension" to heaven.
6: Pentecost
Apr 1, 2013
A violent rainstorm fell on Rome. Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, is doing sex with his mistress, Giulia Farnese, when the ceiling of the papal chamber collapses on them. Rodrigo found alive under the debris, is in shock. Like the apostles, he began to speak in different languages​​, believing that the Holy Spirit is in him.
7: The Blessed Trinity
Apr 8, 2013
Each member of the Trinity, Borgia (Rodrigo, Cesare and Lucrezia) must find his own unit: head, heart and soul. Rodrigo confronts his addiction to drugs, Cesare intrigue at the court of the King of France to win the hand of Carlotta, while Lucrezia must overcome the sad reality of her love life.
8: A Morality Play
Apr 8, 2013
On the occasion of this celebration, Cardinal Riario Sansoni organizes morality recounting the story of Alexis. Far from these concerns, Cesare continuing negotiations to try to raise an army and get a title and a wife. Conversely, Lanzol asks to leave Rome and intrigues in order to devote himself more confidently to Christ.
9: Transfiguration
Apr 15, 2013
The crowds gathered on Saint Peter's Square in Rome, while another big celebration takes place in Spoleto. This episode, largely devoted to the celebration, the narrative ends by Rodrigo Transfiguration to a group of children. The story is accompanied by a warning to adults who listen Rodrigo, including Giulia and Virginio Orsini. Rodrigo, Lucrezia and Cesare are transformed as they endorse their new roles, sometimes an inspiration to others, sometimes manipulative attempt to influence them.
10: The Assumption
Apr 15, 2013
Cesare and the King of France organize their wedding, one after another, the day of the Assumption, a date when it rains consistently. Cardinal Orsini, very sick, terrified of what awaits him after his death when he thinks about his relationships with friends and enemies of the pope. Lucrezia plays on the big surge of hope caused by the salvation and the power of forgiveness to ease political tensions.
11: The Seven Sorrows
Apr 22, 2013
The episode is marked by Sorrows hitting the Borgia family. Kneeling before the tomb of Juan Vannozza pray the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows aloud. Lucrezia interrupts to ask about new secrets about their family she has heard. Vannozza refuses to answer but encouraged to meditate on Fifth pain. During his prayer, Lucrezia begins to understand the secret history of his family and is considering how to fix past mistakes.
12: Who is Like God?
Apr 22, 2013
Alessandro Farnese, treasurer of the Vatican, announces that the signorie of Imola and Forli haven't paid their taxes. The pontiff then summons Caterina Sforza, the Regent, and her son, the heir of these principalities. Furious for being forced to pay high taxes, Caterina arranges a plan to assassinate the Pope. Meanwhile Cesare, at the head of an army of three hundred soldiers, manages to seize the duchy of Milan.
Season 3
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