She Done Him Wrong 1933 - 10 Best Quotes
0 views • Sep 18, 2023
Best Movies?! Yes! Best Quotes from Movies?? You bet! Tell ME in the comments below what was YOUR favorite quote from this movie. She Done Him Wrong 1933 Top 10 10 I am delighted. I have heard so much about you. Yeah, but you can't prove it. 9 Yes, I wasn't always rich. No? No, there was a time I didn't know where my next husband was coming from. 8 Well, surely you don't mind my holding your hand? It ain't heavy - I can hold it myself. 7 You know, ever since I sang that song it's been haunting me. It SHOULD haunt you: You murdered it. 6 Your bath is ready Miss Lou. You take it, I'm indisposed. 5 Haven't you ever met a man that could make you happy? Sure, lots of times. 4 Listen, when women go wrong, men go right after them. 3 The men in my country go wild about women with yellow hair. I'm glad you told me. I wanna keep straight on my geography. 2 Why don't you come up some time and see me? 1 So, all this is your famous collection? No. This is just my summer jewellery. You ought to see my winter stuff. I see. It was a tossup whether I'd go in for diamonds or sing in the choir. The choir lost. 2 - AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes #26 Now the largest movie quote library on YouTube, Internet, World! Subscribe and God will Love you too. #BestMovieQuotes #Top10MovieQuotes #GodLovesMoviesToo
She Done Him Wrong
New York singer and nightclub owner Lady Lou has more men friends than you can imagine. One of them is a vicious criminal who’s escaped and is on the way to see “his” girl, not realising she hasn’t exactly been faithful in his absence. Help is at hand in the form of young Captain Cummings, a local temperance league leader.

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