Girls! Girls! Girls! - Trailer
1 view • Sep 18, 2023
The year was 1962. Teens twist at the Peppermint Lounge. John Glenn orbits Earth. Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points in a single game. And Elvis digs the possibilities of Girls! Girls! Girls! This Time he's a charter-boat skipper who helps tourists land the big ones. Of course, plenty of beautiful girls (including Stella Stevens) want to land Elvis. But there's something Elvis likes almost as much as romance - a boat! He yearns for a sleek sailboat with a $10,000 price tag. Let's see, that makes him about $9,999 short.
Girls! Girls! Girls!
When he finds out his boss is retiring to Arizona, a sailor, Ross Carpenter, has to find a way to buy the Westwind, a boat that he and his father built. He is also caught between two women: insensitive club singer Robin and sweet Laurel.

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